The world's first publicly-available website launched 6 August 1991, thirty years ago NOT twenty-one years ago like the CNN article erroneously asserts in their newsletter. Since then, the world at large has not been the same. Not only because you can get valuable news and information at your fingertips in nano-seconds, but you can also get misinformation delivered right to your inbox. At the moment CNN is the place for misinformation and amateur hour. Exhibit A:
On this day [August 1, 2021] 21 years ago, the first website ever published went live. It was dedicated to World Wide Web information, and remains online decades later. Happy birthday, WWW, and welcome to adulthood!
Ah, no. That is not correct. For all who are interested read about the First World's Website and Berners-Lee, the father of the hyper-text mark up language, otherwise know as "HTML," the backbone of website creation and rendering click on the link below.
The first website:
On this day [August 1, 2021] 21 years ago, the first website ever published went live. It was dedicated to World Wide Web information, and remains online decades later. Happy birthday, WWW, and welcome to adulthood!
Ah, no. That is not correct. For all who are interested read about the First World's Website and Berners-Lee, the father of the hyper-text mark up language, otherwise know as "HTML," the backbone of website creation and rendering click on the link below.
The first website: