It's been a while since I've updated this site. The idea of "News" is a moot point since so much time has passed from my last post to now. Mittens died 23 August 2013 of complications due to old age - incontinence, loss of balance, hearing, sight. The kindest and most compassionate thing I could do for her was to let her go. She was put to sleep in the comfort of her own bed, my bed. That is the first piece of information I wish to share. It's not exactly relevant to the work and services I offer on this site, but the love (and eventual loss) of my cats, dogs, various people throughout my life, informs who I am. I am affected and motivated by those I love, deeply and indelibly. When I lost Mittens I lost the desire to conduct "business as usual." The pain was so unbearable I still mourn for my beloved cat. I traveled for a bit to take some time out for myself in order to heal. I also moved to Colorado. Computercats is now based out of Colorado, but I commute to Minnesota, Arizona, California...to work with all my clients. I have worked in Australia and have had offers to work in the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway. I'm not bound by geography. I can and will work anywhere. That being said, I'll try to keep this site more up to date. But really, anything you need to know about the services that you need are easily accessible by calling, emailing, contacting me directly. I'll be there for you.